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Why do I need to login to participate in this discussion?
Bhavna . 1832 Day Ago . 0

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What is domestic violence?
Paul . 1858 Day Ago . 0

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According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (https://ncadv.org/learn-more), Domestic violence is the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power

Tracy Schott . 1858 Day Ago
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What is the purpose of Voices4Change?
Rajbir Kaur . 1858 Day Ago . 0

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Voices4Change is a grassroots organization whose goal is to raise awareness of the risks of intimate partner violence during pregnancy, elevate the voices of survivors, and end intimate partner homicide.

Tracy Schott . 1858 Day Ago
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What can I do to help?
Rajbir Kaur . 1858 Day Ago . 0

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Become a Voice4Change (https://voices4change.net) by educating yourself, sharing what you learn and calling out people who use intimidation and abuse to control others.

Tracy Schott . 1858 Day Ago